When deciding to put your property on sale, there would be few things to consider in order to optimize its value.
First, we would give you a full analysis of the current market. If not in a rush for sale, there are some periods of the year more suitable for sales and some other events may have an important impact on the evolution of a property.
Most of the real estate professionals would ask you to sign an exclusive mandate for sale where it will be stated the designation of your property, the price you would like to sell and its conditions.
Once signed, the agency will be able to properly market your property via several media (magazines, newspapers, videos, social media) by using professional photos made by our photograph.
If the agency finds you a Buyer, the Transaction Procedure will start and as soon as the Buyer Offer is signed there are high chances the deal will go through as we systematically ask a 10% deposit along with the offer. In the case the Buyer wishes to withdraw from the sale, the 10% deposit would be yours.
There is no transaction cost when you sell but the agency fee of 5% (+20% VAT) of the transaction value.